Friday, June 27, 2008

My Spiritual Gifts

Two weeks ago we did a Spiritual Gifts survey and i realized how mine had mine reflect who I am today...My top three from highest to lowest: Hospitality, Missionary, and Encouragment. This has been confirmed by various people as well, I really do like bringing people together, meeting new friends, taking care of my brothers and sisters, whether it be cooking for friends, an email, or a phone call. Next, my Missionary experience....most of you know, I was on a trip to Nicaragua and how it changed my life, the things i experienced, witnessed, the heartbreaking moments...and the need that there needs to be more people doing missionary work whether locally or overseas. Last, but not least Encouragement. Cheering a friend up, being there supporting him or her through prayer, talking, and just hanging out. Supporting him or her in their decision and just being there for him or her when the time is right.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Great weekend


It was our Church's Johnny Jaurez concert, I was soooooo happy 274 people came that night. The friends I invited plus one of Eric's friend's Jarom also came from Waterloo, so that was awesome. Si came in from Scarborough, York, , Jon(Hamilton), Emily came technically from Burlington since they were over for the afternoon. So I treated my friends out for dinner before the concert, nothing too fancy...but a good time to get to know friends before the concert started.

York and Jon are like 'best of friends' from the start...York is like, 'I like him'...great personality and the two chat like no tomorrow, lol...

The concert itself was amazing...I was ushering at first so when the concert started, Johnny Jaurez was singing and I noticed patches of the crowd from all over started to just stand and dance and praise God freely. Not the typical chinese, just sit and i was happy, joyous to be able to witness that. Unfortuantely we all couldn't fit in a row so some of the guys had to sit a couple rows behind us. We were trying to seat 13 or 15 in one row:( Kelly, Emily, Si, saved me a seat, while Jon, Dave, and Ron also were in the seats next to us was great to meet new friends, further the fellowship w/ the exisiting members as well. The music was just great, and I also found out that the guitarist Gonsalves, was from Nicarauga as well. As soon as I heard that I had to meet him and his family. I told him that I was just there a couple months ago, and we exchanged emails b/c he wanted to help serve/teach Nicaragua Mission's team5 Spanish for free.

After the concert, and putting away the chairs we proceeded to go to BBtea at will most likely be the new hang out place instead of BR. Everyone liked it and we had lots of room, very cozy and rpviate. Originally it was 15 of us but it kept expanding...If I recall, Kelly C, Jarom, me, Dan T, Cliff, Dave, Marc, Emily C, York, Eric, Dan, Jon, Ron, Alan, Margaret, Jason L, Bonnie K, Angelica, Malina, was great to chat to everyone and just hang out. Very relaxing, we had the whole place to ourselves more or less, on a saturday night. Emily has the pics, so hopefully she'll post soon. More or less, we closed the place down, we left around 1:40am. Eventually I kicked ourselves out b/c most of us had Church in a few hours.

Sunday: Church service, followed by pho, followed by hiking at Riverwood park in the rain...thank goodness for umbrellas...yes both M and I were wearing heels, but we survived. We also got to know Venus better as we went hiking...After that, the three of us went to see "Get Smart", it was pretty good and funny.

Fantastic weekend over all.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

My Nicaragua Experience-My Memories

It's been almost three months that I've been back from Nicaragua now...when I think back, it seemed so long ago, almost like a dream. Did it happen? Why does it seem so long ago? I was talking to a good friend early this morning around 1 and I kind of thought, it really seemed so long ago. I'm afriad I'll forget the people or the things I've done, etc...Then I realized a few days ago, while driving in the hot, humid weather, I was thinking of Jose. One of my students at Verbo school, and a close friend that I got to know while I was there. Both Serena(buddy) and I got to know Jose, who's 9 years old pretty quickly. I'll always remember him as the kid who came up introduced himself, asked me sit on the bench and teach me social studies in Spanish. He always had this warm smile and very pleasant.

That next afternoon, after going to Verbo, we (some of our team) went to the Esperenza aka the landfill, the garbage dump to hand out food packages, to pray with the families and hear their stories. A lot of these families collect tin/aluminum cans for money, I think it was 3Lbs for $0.25 or finding things they can eat or use in their homes. Some of the families living in this area, had homes that were tin sheds if even that. At that moment, I was thinking "World Vision" commercial. It's a lot different watching something on TV than being there first hand, taking in the smell, the sights, the noise. At first, i thought if it smelled like Toronto on a bad smoggy day, I may be sick, but it wasn't that kind of smell. At least I didn't find it unbearable. The only thing that hurt me the most was seeing Jose and his family living there.

I couldn't tell b/c at school he had this nice, crisp white uniform (he's sponsored) and this smile on his face. It really hit both me and Serena hard, b/c it wasn't just another area we were visiting and getting to know the families, it was already someone we knew and befriended. It was more personal now. At first i did not recognize him outside of his school clothes so I'll never forget what he said,
Jose: Bonnie, Bonnie (poking me) do you remember me?
Bonnie: (Smile but puzzled)
Jose: It's me, Jose
Bonnie: Hey Jose, how are you? (in spanish)

It broke my heart that I couldn't recognize him outside of his uniform and that he was begging/pleading for the food bag I had in my hand. As part of the rules, we were only to give the foodpacks when Pastor Ed told us to, since he knew who were the neediest of the needy. I told him right away to go to PAstor Ed, run through the crowds and tell him your family needs one. There were only two reamining packs left, and one was in my hand. I prayed and I prayed, God, please give Jose's family a food pack. I would be devastated if they didn't get one. Praise God, that they got the last pack.

At that moment, I was thinking, I don't deserve to live in Canada when my friends here can't even have one meal a day...if I could give you anything in my MECC bag that would help, i would have given it. Unfortunately, credit cards mean nothing, cheques don't mean too much either, it was cash cash cash...but we were not allowed to give cash. Luckily, i found some protein bars in my carryon, and other snacks that I gave to Pastor Ed to give to the children living in the Esperenza.

This was the moment that I was crushed...I spent hours crying in the truck, along w/ my was really hard to take in. Even though it wasn't our first visit to the Esperenza, it really hit us both hard. Crying because life is unfair, and how much I have, how blessed I've been. How my new friends here in Nicarauga, don't want you to feel sorry for them, how they have also found joy with so little, and how God is in their hearts. How they are satisfied...they are the ones who are rich, rich in spririt. My new found friends have taught me a lot while I was down there, going outside of my comfort zone, helping everyone that I could...from handing out Halls cough drops b/c i brought lots b/c I was sick prior to my trip, to wetnaps, tissues, drinks, snacks, whatever fit in my MECC bag.

More to come...

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