Thursday, July 23, 2009

Prep for Emmanuel Retreat

Well it's been a lot of planning this past week, lots of txting back and forth, and effective communication...haha. We may disagree, but in the end, it works out in the end.

(me): I was sharing with someone earlier tonight, what if I get stung by something or I end up in the hospital, you'll come and visit me right? (Response:) I'll be the first one there to visit you.
It was one of those awwwwwwwww moments. Made me feel better of course, who wouldn't right?

I think I'm prepared for this trip, although I haven't started to pack yet and it's 1am now. Yes, i know I'm only staying one night, but still...

Praying for a nicer weekend than forecasted. Rain or shine, we will have a good time, bonding together, doing devotions, the sharing and doing bible study together.Pray for safety as we have four cars driving up (me included) all leaving near or during rush hour too. Pray that our friendships grow as we share with one another.

i'll blog once I return...I got a lot accomplished tonight, had a mini meeting w/ my marketing group for the assignment due. Also came back to my computer after 10minutes of putting a cooler together (yes, this one has things to put together) and 10 windows of msn messages pop up, wow...didn't think I was gone that long and this was close to midnight too. Interesting, haha...


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