Friday, June 12, 2009

God provides opportunities...

Well, it's been tough at work lately, so today, a lot of the upper management were gone on site I think in the afternoon, so it gave me some time to think. Actually, I was pulled into a meeting this morning, unexpectedly, so that took up an hour of my time, which made me somewhat skip lunch. Rather a Site Manager came to visit me and we chatted for a good half hour. Something that I don't like to do in the office, b/c it shows I'm not as productive...but technically this was during "lunch" hour. So Ron comes in and sits in my spare chair, guest chair(I really should get rid of it) and we're talking about phone plans and travelling, somehow the topic got to my mission trip to Nicarauga last year. So I shared with him my experiences, not knowing if he's a Christian or not, but it just kinda happened. Anyways, he asked me if I would go back, I said probably, but not right now. Too much going on at both work, school, and personal life. Somehow we got onto the topic of faith, and the bible, and about how the birds do not worry but why do I worry? From the book of Matthew...Well that was something I shared, yet b/c I'm human and a sinner, not perfect, to some extent I still do. Romans 3:23, "For all have fall short of the glory of God." Sometimes it's easier said than done, and he asked me, does that mean my faith isn't strong enough? There are times/moments that I worry about things, job, economy and whatnot, and times that I don't...I wasn't sure how to answer...but he said he'd like to chat about it some other time. So I'm like Yay!


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