Saturday, April 28, 2007

I'm still alive...what's been happening?

Let's see...

I attended a friend's wedding a few weeks ago. It was a special time, lots of good memories. Got to know a few new people and reaquainted with some familiar faces as well.

I also wrote my final exam in Advanced Statistics on April 10th and found out I got an "A+" in the course. Praise God! Being the typical me, I worry about my marks a lot, so I was relieved to find that I did well. Thank you to all of you that have helped me over the last month, listening to my complaints, bad moods, just being there encouraging me even when I thought I couldn't do it. You all had faith in me, thank you for your support.

I've also gone to Markham to attend my friend's sharing from his missions trip awihle ago. Met a few new people, and now I'm interested and praying for next year, perhaps it is my turn to go as well. After the dinner and presentation, I asked Jon, one of the members of the team about his first experience on this trip and how he too encouraged me to go next year. I also met Vern who was one of the team members that went and had a worm inside his arm. Then BBTea at "Go for Tea", quite far from where we all were...but it was worth it. Sitting outside on the patio (of course, with the nice heaters).

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Thank You Everyone for your Prayers and Encouragement

Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for your phone calls, prayers, emails of encouragement, was really thoughtful of you all. It was a difficult exam no doubt, three hours long...but for once, I felt a sense of peace when I wrote the exam. I felt God's presence as I wrote it...that He was with me. I saw the people around me just cursing, swearing and given up...For me, I can see the difference w/ having God in my heart. It's not matter how well I do, but I tried my best. Maybe God has a different career path for me...He will lead the way.

I just felt really encouraged that you were all so caring and supportive. Doing this CGA designation program will be a long five years...but it'll go by quick.

I'm happy to call you my Friends...Thanks again Everyone!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

48 Hours to the big day...

Almost there...I've been studying this afternoon. I have one of my friends over as well, so there's three of us right now using our laptops in the living room. All wireless of course. It feels like work all over again. My bro, also doing whatever on his Apple notebook as well. It's funny no one is talking, all you hear is the keys typing away...and my music playing off of my laptop. It's like a Library in my own home LOL... It's soooooooooo quiet. One is doing research, one not sure, and me researching on my assignment. Arrrrrrrrrrgh...facebook is so addictive.

Thanks to those who've called to see how I's been great to hear all your voices...See, it's different than MSN. There's no EMOTICONS...hahaha. No one, not even I, can hide away from my computer. Not everyone is that expressive over the phone, but we can all learn together, me included. I tend to "beat around the bush"...very indirect. Anyways............

Back to studying, break over:(

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Easter weekend, once again GTA revisited

I know I know...I'm behind in the blogging...LOL. I don't even know where to begin???

I've broken my own promise that I won't go to the GTA this weekend...I'm sooooooo sorry. I know I should be studying that was why I was not going to go out this long weekend. Just stay home and study, such a NERD...but necessary. Yesterday, my family and two burlington eng. were suppose to go to Markham yesterday for sushi, shopping, family outing. However, plans changed quickly. My parents ended up going the day before, so it was the four of us that went...well technically 5, I forgot about my adopted little brother. That's now four weekends in a row that I've been out there, I have got to break the gets costly in gas, not to mention my adopted bro saying I have "road rage", a mild case of it. Look, if you're driving 100km/hr or less on the right lane, than you're going a bit slow on the 401.

After dinner, came back to sauga for the Easter service, and brought my friends and family to the service. Too bad, it was trilingual. I'm sure it was "interesting" when you're Caucasin...but maybe next time it'll be just the english service. At least on the way back, all my passengers had interesting discussions about the Christian faith...Also, thanks girl, for watching my driving and letting me know that I was a bit too to the left, not really centred. I guess, Long-D driving kicks in...driving gets sloppy.

On my way home, I had to go to the hosptial...something had happened...not to me specifically. Luckily, only one hospital in Burlington. Anywayz, please pray for a speedy recovery. Lord, you are the keeper of time..You know all that is in our hearts and the importance of friends and family. I pray that all those that hve not found You, will someday find that You are the one that holds the truth, the hope and peace that we all seek.

Ya, the blog sounds choppy but I can't go into details...

Monday, April 02, 2007

I'm going to do the unthinkable...

I am banning myself from MSN for the remainder of the week and part of next week until my final exam is over...Yes for those that know me, that's like taking away cocaine from an addict. Yes! It's gonna be hard but I'll try:) At least make an attempt. I can't promise that I can study like 2.5hrs a day and 5hrs on the weekend...but I'll study more than I've done in the past few weeks. I'm not ready to "uninstall" MSN but I will "avoid" if I can...Please pray for me as I study for my final.

I will try to see some of you during this weekend(Burlington/Sauga) more TO for a couple weeks. can all come down to Burlington to visit. There is stuff to do here:)

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