Friday, September 21, 2007

September, a new month...but now half gone

It's been quite the busy month...I can't seem to remember when I last blogged but according to this it's been three weeks, although it seems longer.

Update on my life:

I'm now in Level 4 of the CGA program, yay! (I think)'s been very busy, late nights til 2am, and spending weekends doing homework/studying. I will have to give up some extra curricular activities that I'm currently involved in but I'll see...

Last weekend, I was in Belleville for a wedding and stayed in Scarborough for the weekend, to save on gas. It was a beautiful wedding, great weather, great food, great company.

This past week, I've been celebrating my birthday with close friends last weekend, co-workers yesterday, Fellowship last night...Thank you to everyone for making this week a great one. I got to see old friends I haven't seen in a few years, and friends that I see often but mean a lot to me to have them share this special day with all know who you are:)

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

More than just a Cough...

I finally went to the Doctor today, after coughing for 9 weeks now. It started around July 22nd, maybe a bit earlier, and back then, I had the flu, cough, etc... At that time, I was contagious, as I got a few others sick. Over several weeks, with Advil, Buckleys, among other over the counter medications, I thought I was getting better. However, the weeks following, I still had a stubborn cough, it got better then it came back. It was a brutal cycle...Even though I've taken it easy(a bit) doing cardio, I wasn't fully recovered. So this morning, I made an appointment to see the Doctor, took an hour off from work at the end of the day to see her. Turns out I have mild Bronchitis, well I guess a month ago, it was not just a "mild case"...but since I've had it for sometime now, it was starting to heal, but at a slower rate. Probably some scarring on my lung tissue???

Anyways, the good news is that I'm on antibiotics and the side affect is stomach aches among other symptoms, which I may say HURT a lot. Hopefully, the symptons will go away...I was to take a double dose tonight, with food, and for the next four nights at 7pm, to take the usual dose.

Although it's only been several hours since I've been on it, I do feel my lungs feeling better.:)

Monday, September 03, 2007

Where has the time gone?

It's almost been a month since I've blogged...

So much has happened in the last month, that when I look back, I can't believe all this has really happened. For one, I've realized how I've been blessed with friends that care so much about me, that when I've given up, my friends never gave up on me. I know it sounds really cheesy, but it's true. Through prayer meetings, fellowship w/ each other, it has really encouraged me to not give up.

I've met a few new friends this past month and also got reaquainted with old friend as know who you are. I've gone hiking, biking for the first time since I was a child, going go TO for desserts, BBQs...ummmmmmm....I don't know.

The BBQs I've had this summer was good, every single one of them. Whether I participated in them or hosted one, it's all good food. Good food, good company, good times. Just being able to relax and truly smile and enjoy life. I thank God for all of you in my life:)

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