Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Decisions Decisions...Why can't life be simple?

It's been almost two weeks since I've last blogged...A lot of work, keeping busy, sometimes way too busy for my own good=( A few of you knew that I've been putting a lot of OT and my health wasn't that great last week. In addition, I was awaiting for my CGA evaluation, to see what I'd be exempted from as it's approaching five years since I graduated from Sheridan. I graduated at 21 years old. I wasn't sure if Accounting was what I wanted to do, am I sure? Still not 100% confident but I might as well furhter my education to advance my career while I'm pondering this thought though.
Soooooooo...what did I want to do? As I as growing up, I wanted to be a cancer researcher, lab research to do testing to find cures, but then I thought about all the schooling I'd have to go through and the process would be long. I remember disecting a fetal pig in high school and I threw up, so if I can't do it w/o throwing up, how can I go into medicine or research? Another career path I wanted to consider was archaeolgy...I liked discovering or researching historical artifacts, the Aztecs, the Incas, the Pharoahs, and other historical items. Yes, sounds kinda boring eh? To me, it was amazing. Discovering what's out there beyond my four walls. Lately, I've considered doing short-term missions. Geoff, I'm not going to Paris or Asia just yet to do STM but I want to be able to help others in different countries, maybe even as a relief worker someday.
We(my friends) and I are at a stage in life, where you kinda ask, where is my life going? Why am I here in Mississauga? Am I fulfilling God's plan for me? Why can't life be simple? Why do we have so many choices? Freewill...b/c God gave us freewill. For me, I'm somewhat indecisive...I don't know what I want or unsure of what I want b/c I care too much of what others think of me rather than what I think of myself. I'm still trying to rebuild that confidence that was severly tarnished years ago. My self-confidence that as shattered so long ago, still leaves scars, even as I rebuild it, it takes time. There was a point in my life that I couldn't decide what to wear, white or blue? The colour of socks or jacket, it was that bad.

But years go by, and I'm getting more better at decision making but sometimes I wonder is this what God wants for me?


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